MFO Ratings Updated Through May 2019

All fund risk and return metrics, ratings, and analytics have been uploaded, reflecting performance through May 2019.


Some highlights …


  • All 11 sector ETFs retracted in May, most between 7 and 11%, but gains remain strong year-to-date … all positive, most between 7 and 16%.
  • 7 of 17 Timothy Plan funds on MFO’s Three Alarm list.
  • Dreyfus fund family rebranded to BNY Mellon.
  • Added 4-year evaluation period to MultiSearch (thank you David).
  • Lipper added several new fund categories, including Emerging Markets Mixed Asset, Frontier Markets, Global High Yield, Short High Yield, Absolute Return Bond, and Real Return … see Definitions/Categories.


As always, if you see anything amiss or have suggestions for improvement, let us know and we will respond soonest.


Please enjoy the latest data.